Contemplative prayer brings us face to face with the “false self” in several ways. The initial act of consent to letting go of our surface “I” with its programs, associations, commentaries, etc., in itself drives a fatal wedge into the false self. As we rest in prayer, we begin to discover that our identity is deeper than just the surface of our psychological awareness. The level of deep rest accessed during the prayer periods loosens up the hard-pan around the emotional weeds stores in the unconscious, of which the body seems to be the warehouse. The psyche begins to evacuate spontaneously the undigested emotional material of the lifetime, opening up a new space for self-knowledge, freedom of choice, and the discovery of the divine presence within. As a consequence, a growing trust in God, a bonding with the Divine Therapist, enables us to endure the process.
Fr. Thomas Keating: Invitation to Love
The difficulty with the explanations I found in Christian literature on this inner spiritual transformation was that it did not provide sufficient details on the symptoms associated with this inner healing process, nor did it provide helpful instruction on how to proceed except with the prayer practice itself. Also, I found that in the more orthodox Christian circles, this process was looked upon with a great deal of suspicion and fear. As a result, there was a great deal of reluctance on my part to even begin to engage in a conversation about it with the counterparts of my own faith. But also, I had some reluctance to talk about this very personal subject with those who might construe that I was losing it, or being afflicted with some evil spirit. This reluctance was not lessened as I discovered that the most helpful language and archetypal images were most found outside of my own Christian Faith tradition.
The book “Kundalini, Psychosis or Transcendence” by Lee Sannella M.D. was my first discovery; a free book on the internet that provided a scientific explanation and history on Kundalini Rising. I next discovered on the internet an introductory course on Kundalini Yoga. This course introduced me to some of the language associated with this Eastern Spirituality along with the underlining purpose of doing these physical exercises. It was through this course that I came to an intellectual understanding of the phenomena that I was experiencing. Also, it was from this course that I discovered that one's body should be in sufficient shape to handle the increase of energy flow if this process was to continue in the most beneficial way. So I joined a yoga class in January of 2006 to begin the necessary exercises.
The yoga instructor was great in explaining from her perspective what was happening, and to provide me with the necessary exercises and activities that would not only balance this transformation process but to provide some grounding so that it would proceed in an orderly manner.
Many other books were discovered and read on the subject, but very few from a Christian perspective, except for one. This was one called “Kundalini Energy and Christian Spirituality” written by Phillip St. Romain. This book was written by a person whose experience was very similar to mine. His book detailed his own experience with kundalini, provided an explanation of the Eastern understanding of kundalini rising, and expressed his views as it related to his Christian faith practice. Phillip, who later confirmed my own experience of kundalini rising, provided, through his book, an excellent guide to help me at this time with my own understanding of this experience from a Christian perspective.
The yoga instructor was great in explaining from her perspective what was happening, and to provide me with the necessary exercises and activities that would not only balance this transformation process but to provide some grounding so that it would proceed in an orderly manner.
Many other books were discovered and read on the subject, but very few from a Christian perspective, except for one. This was one called “Kundalini Energy and Christian Spirituality” written by Phillip St. Romain. This book was written by a person whose experience was very similar to mine. His book detailed his own experience with kundalini, provided an explanation of the Eastern understanding of kundalini rising, and expressed his views as it related to his Christian faith practice. Phillip, who later confirmed my own experience of kundalini rising, provided, through his book, an excellent guide to help me at this time with my own understanding of this experience from a Christian perspective.
I would like to turn now to some of the more common symptoms of Kundalini Rising This was the first subject that drew my interest as I began my exploration on this subject. I was surprised at the amount of information that was available on the internet. The symptoms were broken down into several categories.
Behavioral changes
Increase in spiritual practice of meditation and focus on spiritual issues
Increased enjoyment of beauty and nature
Increase desire for a quieter, simpler, more balanced lifestyle
Improved dietary observations
Increased need for rest, relaxation, silence
Increased need for uplifting physical activity and purposeful altruistic work
Sleep and sexual activity pattern changes
Disinterest in formerly enjoyed worldly activities
Diminished interest in personal achievement, goals, success
Enhanced interest in living in the present moment
Greater joy in just being; not as concerned about time/value
Diminished interest in personal achievement, goals, success
Enhanced interest in living in the present moment
Greater joy in just being; not as concerned about time/value
External Physical Phenomena
Automatic gesturing of the arms, hands and spontaneous posturing
Deep automatic breathing or retention of breath
Feeling buoyant and full of energy
Involuntary weeping or laughing
Head and facial movements, tongue rolling back, eyes closing or rotating
Decrease or increase need for sleep
Involuntary jerks, spasms, shaking, contractions of the body
Insomnia and early morning waking
Internal Physical Sensations
Enhanced sensory acuity and sensitivity
Increased energy
A floating, blissful sensation
Inner sensory experience (sounds, lights)
Energy currents in the spine and sensations of energy in the body
Throbbing at the pelvic and lower abdomen area
Electric tingling through our the body in the nerves, spine and brain
A sensation of something throbbing inside or crawling on the skin
Feeling disoriented, bodiless
Digestive system changes, appetite swings
Changes in sexual desire, sexual sensations
Increased body heat, hot flashes, cold flashes or localized sensations
Loss of body awareness
Energy swings, nervous energy, lethargy
Migratory body pains, localized temporary numbness, burning
Light sensitivity
Eyes burning, visual difficulties
Emotional Conditions
Spontaneous waves of bliss, joy, contentment, compassion
Devotional focus, spiritual yearning
Increased centeredness and objectivity
Increased capacity for love and forgiveness
Increased sensitivity to others’ feelings, altruism
Increased feelings of unity with creation
Decreased materialism and greed
Loss of fear of death
Emotional balance in perturbed conditions
Increased feelings of detachment, desire for different life
Spontaneous surfacing of repressed unconscious issues
Fear of being influenced by unknown factors, fear of going crazy
Awareness of mortality
An enhanced sense of acceptance of others
An enhanced appreciation of nature, creation
An enhanced sense of acceptance of others
An enhanced appreciation of nature, creation
Mental Factors
Improved concentration and mental flexibility
The mind becomes inward and vacant, emptyness
Temporary confusion caused by loss and absence of self-definition
Difficulty concentrating on tasks, scattered thoughts, mental dulling
Mind easily overloaded
Enhanced Intuitive knowing
Mind easily overloaded
Enhanced Intuitive knowing
Paranormal Phenomena
Prophetic visions
Precognition, telepathy, clairvoyance, psycho-kinetic experiences
Increased synchronicity
Past experiences of life recalled
Ability to see auras
Feeling able to influence another’s mind or know the contents of their mind
Visions of non-material entities
Out of body or near death experiences
Creative inspirations
Sense of receiving inner instructions
Communion with nature and animals
Spiritual Experiences
Experience of deep unitive and expansive consciousness, sense of oneness
Profound feelings of connection with a spiritual source
Expanded comprehension of reality
Illumination experiences, holy trances
Sacred visions
Feeling the presence of a saint or God
Visions of light and floating in light
Visions of glowing geometric shapes and lights
Sacred audition, tasting sacred nectar, feeling sacred touch
Insightful comprehension of scripture
Prophetic revelations of new spiritual wisdom and understanding
Deep intuitive knowledge of self and others
Inspired creativity
Increased experience of unusual synchronistic events
Spontaneously going into deep meditative experiences at regular times or when inspired
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