7:14 - Jesus says: “For the gate is narrow
and the road is hard that leads to life, and there are few who find it”.
Matthew 13:44 - Jesus says: The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure in a field, which someone found and hid. Then in joy, (s)he goes and sells all that they have and buys the field.
Matthew 13:44 - Jesus says: The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure in a field, which someone found and hid. Then in joy, (s)he goes and sells all that they have and buys the field.
14:6 - Jesus says: “I am” the way, and the truth, and the life”.
10:30 - Jesus says: “The Father and I are
14:17 - Jesus says: "This is the Spirit of truth, which
the world cannot receive because it neither sees Him or knows Him. You know Him because He abides with you and
He will be in you."
As a result of my encounter with
kundalini rising, these words from the Gospels take on a deeper meaning when
interpreted in light of the experience.
The path to the spiritually
transformation process of kundalini is certainly an obscure one. I stumbled onto it quite by accident. It certainly is not a direction that is
gained by following the dictates of the world or of our culture. In fact, the whole process is somewhat
opposed to our culture, particularly today, where so much emphasis is placed on
personal achievement and success, acquiring things or pursuing ways that
will bring us the outward pleasures of living the easy life. The ways of the world are very rajasic (a discipline
that seeks respect, honor and power) and tamasic (a discipline that seeks a convoluted
sort of freedom that leads to suffering).
These essential human qualities were discussed in the previous posting.
So the way, or the gate that leads
to life, is very narrow, hard to find, and it seems few do find it.
And the way, or the gate, if it is
to be found, must be sought internally.
I don’t doubt for a moment that this gate is available to all, without
condition. It lies waiting to be
discovered like a treasure hidden in a field.
And when it is discovered, we are willing to sell off all that is tamasic
and rajasic to possess the field where the treasure is buried.
The experience of kundalini brings
us directly in touch with “mystery”, a mystery
which may be best described with the simple words “I AM”. “I AM” describes the experience of kundalini
as good as any word or words because it gives expression to our discovery; that there
is no separate “self”, only that which is united with everything else in one homogeneous unified "I AM".
“The Father and I are one”.
The Spirit that Jesus wishes to convey is the Spirit that the
world cannot know; but we can know because it abides with us, and it is in us, revealing its truth and giving us Life.
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