George Maloney SJ
Since my kundalini rising in the fall of 2005, I have been relatively free from the effects of ego consciousness as it
mean the events that have happened in the past that have led to a conditioned behavior; suppressed feelings and hurts, strict adherence to restrictions and rules imposed on me as a child or early adulthood, etc. The problem with such things is that they would often trigger a compulsive response or reaction to a situation over which I had little control or awareness. Kundalini energy successfully renovated and restored the subtle body system which for the large part, eliminated most of these uncontrolled compulsive responses.
That's not to say that I no longer struggle with ego
consciousness. I do. I can still experience anger, frustration and confusion about many issues that crop up in my life. As these new situations occur, particularly if they are in conflict with some of my deeply rooted principals, my mind can easily turn to judgement, criticism, and at times blaming. I generally know when this happens because I immediately sense a dis-ease within myself, and a loss of my of harmony with the offending person, and a loss of a sense of union with the Divine within.
The methods that I have and am pursuing with this ongoing re-dominating ego consciousness are different from the methods that I would have used in the pre-kundalini past. The
at a more fitting and gentle conclusion. This involved the work of serious reflection, analyzing my response, speaking with others, coming to terms with the issues, reconciling the situation in my mind, letting go of my judgement, and seeking forgiveness for myself and the other if I had reacted negatively towards them. Then I would be able to set the issue aside and get on with things. There's nothing wrong with this approach. It is called an examination of conscience, and is a healthy way to move beyond contentious issues and arrive at an acceptable and peaceful conclusion.
With the rise of Kundalini energy, I find that this rather lengthy and onerous task of personal examination of conscience is no longer as necessary. As I do my practices to keep the subtle body open, the flow of energy from the base chakras (root, sacral and solar plexus) advances up the spine to the crown and places me in union with the "One" beyond "self", and restores my inner being to the acceptable and peaceful conclusion that could previously only be attained through the more intense analytical approach.
Kundalini practices seem to continue the flow of restorative
energies into areas of the mental sheath where the ego attempts to retain or regain dominance. This flow of restorative energy to the crown brings one to the state-of-being of "observer" of the negative events, and "healer" of the critical and judgemental mind. In this way, it is possible to regain quickly that connection and union with the divine. George Maloney refers to it as a plunging down into your innermost self in silence to make contact with God as healer.
Future subjects:
Kundalini practices
What makes up ego consciousness
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